
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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A free nation?

The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
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Friday, October 17, 2008


ALBERT TORCASO PRESENTS MCCAIN SAID WHAT? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Dateline October ? 15 ? 2008. The final debate was held and the matter of abortion came up during which Barack Obama and John McCain made their cases for and against Roe V Wade and in so doing McCain made quotes as if to doubt and question women needing an abortion due to health concerns and he attempted to paint a picture of deceit. This is wrong to say such a thing and it questions women?s health issues is McCain a doctor? No, and to make such and outrageous statement is to diminish their needs and concerns, but the real question is this. How can he lead a nation if he does not care about half of our nation?s population? Then there?s the matters of the Real ID Act and other civil rights ending laws that McCain voted in favor of and of course he voted for budgets that have ballooned our nation?s debt. McCain is bad for our security, bad for our civil rights, and ready to take the safety of women?s health out of the doctor?s hands and into Washington?s hands. America can?t risk such actions happening and therefore I implore you to vote to save America on Nov ? 4 -2008. And get to the polls and choose the right man to save our future. McCain is not a Pro Life candidate he is a Pro Birth candidate. Copyright 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

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