
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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Monday, February 17, 2014

I Believe In God And That All Is Possible Do You?

NOTE: My mainstream site is Humanity Matters Dot Org where I post at least five times a month and soon will post three or more post per week. Please visit that site as well
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Through God All Things Are Possible
God Is Real My Friends, God Is Real!

I recently had a Humanity Matters Live Television episode titled All Is Possible and just this week I did a podcast All Things Are Possible and it’s true I don’t speak about faith on my shows that much, but there is in fact sometimes we must step forward and speak about faith if it in fact has kept us alive and kept us filled with hope through every let down in life. I also know that one could say why have things never worked out for you and me if we have had faith all these years? Believe in me I agree it seems like God is busy or just not listening to our prayers some of us wonder if it is because we are not as loving to God or others as we could and should be. I know it seems like God is not there or that he is not real.

However, he is there my friends in so many ways how else can you explain the fact that I still live? If you knew my entire story you would know 100% proof positive that
GOD IS REAL! God has saved my life so many times I have lost count in fact the truth is he has saved me each day of my life and that is a bit more than fifty years now! I will explain this much I was born with a medical issue that when I was born was fatal at least 60% of the time or more!

Then again in 1986 I was almost killed in a horrific vehicle accident where my car was less than an inch from going over at least a five to one thousand foot cliff! That was not all.

My car flew up in the air then landed on the top of the car that hit me and my driver side of the window was actually over the cliff. I had to get out on the passenger side.
Not only that the car that hit me was completely crushed or her passenger side had she had one they would have been killed instantly!

Is that a miracle enough for you? No? Well, this all happened because my car ran out of gas and a taxi driver came over to see if he could help and he was about to have me go in his taxi get gasoline in his gas can and he was outside the car next to me! I said to him just in case some asshol_ is driving crazy let me get my seat belt on as I was doing that I looked in my rear view mirror and saw that some CRAZY DRIVER! Was about to hit my car! I just got the seat belt on!

Now, if you recall I last saw the taxi driver right next to my car! I thought he was
Still don’t believe in God Or Miracles?

I yelled at him get the fu_k out of here! Someone is going to hit me! Well, my yelling gave him those very few seconds to run out of the way! Yeah, a miracle!!

Know something else this accident was so bad that they sent six ambulances and not one person even had to go to the hospital that night! Miracles!

Now, yeah it turns out I was hurt and still today have a bad back and lots of pain, but brothers and sisters I am ALIVE!

Now, again in 2010 I was driving to go to a local Golden Corral and there was a traffic jam and many vehicles also waiting for the red light, we were in that line and traffic was at a standstill. Well, a woman was not watching and guess what? She was on the phone!

HANG UP AND STOP TEXTING! Your calls and texts can wait if you get hurt or killed they and you will never speak again so DUMP the call and texts, PLEASE!

She was on the phone and BOOM she hit my vehicle so hard that it hit into another full size van! Again, it’s back to the back doctors due to people driving while not watching the road.

Here is the point I AM IN PAIN!, But I am ALIVE! I forgot to tell you in the 1986 accident it was also a three vehicle accident! Yeah, I was stuck in both cases and could not move or do anything, but Man, Woman I live!

God Is Real my friends and I am going to take this public form to once again THANK YOU FATHER GOD FOR SAVING MY LIFE! And for sending Jesus to save us all.

I know we may have many doubts, but the truth is God and Jesus are with us and even when people die that we love or we die God is still there my friends please believe this.

In my mission to change lives including my own I have stepped up efforts in my business opportunities. And it is with this and you in mind that I ask you to at the very least look into these great opportunities.

Here are the links, these are truly sites, companies that can help you learn how to market online The Empower Network and Organo Gold which has healthy organic herb coffees, teas, hot chocolate. Give them a look and friends Have faith in God, in yourself and enjoy life, please. You deserve it!

Humanity Matters Live Episode

Humanity Matters Podcast Episode

Empower Network Opportunity

Organo Gold Opportunity

If you join any of my teams I won’t let you down that is a promise!

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso a place to learn marketing, earn an income while having a life.

Copyright 2004 - 2014 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

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