
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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Albert Torcaso
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Sunday, November 15, 2009

You Ain't Stopping Me Clip 1A,

Albert Torcaso Says You Ain?t Stopping Me! Clip 1, Albert Torcaso speaks about his computer being hit with an attack and how his computer is now destroyed. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Please sign this petition it could help to get real health care coverage in America. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

You Ain't Stopping Me Clip 2,

Clip 2, Albert Torcaso explains why his computer being destroyed should inspire you to overcome any and all obstacles in your personal, private life. Albert Torcaso tells how he overcame the destruction of his best computer to triumph over that roadblock and once again be online and uploading video content. Albert speaks out once again on how important it is for all Americans to unite on some vital issues. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Please sign this petition it could help to get real health care coverage in America. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hello to all of my viewers online here @ and the many places online that you view my program Humanity Matters. As I write this to you I must inform you that the clips will be without a description and will be out of sequence until I can fix my computer problem. I have had my computer crash because of my editing system over 100 times in the last fourteen hours, but I never gave up and you now have at least three clips to view of this past episode. You can be sure more will come once I find ways to bypass, or fix this major issue. It is my belief that it is related to a video card and the Pinnacle Studios 10.8 version that I am using. If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved


Hello to all of my viewers online here @ and the many places online that you view my program Humanity Matters. As I write this to you I must inform you that the clips will be without a description and will be out of sequence until I can fix my computer problem. I have had my computer crash because of my editing system over 100 times in the last fourteen hours, but I never gave up and you now have at least three clips to view of this past episode. You can be sure more will come once I find ways to bypass, or fix this major issue. It is my belief that it is related to a video card and the Pinnacle Studios 10.8 version that I am using. If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved


Inter only exclusive The entire tape roll of Annette Presenting Chris Weis his award and Not seen on TV Albert Torcaso and the entire Boxing Crew of Humanity Matters!!! Hello to all of my viewers online here @ and the many places online that you view my program Humanity Matters. As I write this to you I must inform you that the clips will be without a description and will be out of sequence until I can fix my computer problem. I have had my computer crash because of my editing system over 100 times in the last fourteen hours, but I never gave up and you now have at least three clips to view of this past episode. You can be sure more will come once I find ways to bypass, or fix this major issue. It is my belief that it is related to a video card and the Pinnacle Studios 10.8 version that I am using. If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved


Hello to all of my viewers online here @ and the many places online that you view my program Humanity Matters. As I write this to you I must inform you that the clips will be without a description and will be out of sequence until I can fix my computer problem. I have had my computer crash because of my editing system over 100 times in the last fourteen hours, but I never gave up and you now have at least three clips to view of this past episode. You can be sure more will come once I find ways to bypass, or fix this major issue. It is my belief that it is related to a video card and the Pinnacle Studios 10.8 version that I am using. If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved


I finally have the Pinnacle system working a little but it still has frames dropped and the audio skips and a glitch or two but at least the episode is starting to get online. Clip Five has the entire has the Humanity Matters crew trying to box again! So, tune in and watch some wild actions and words!!! If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Please sign this petition it could help to get real health care coverage in America. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved


Clip Six find the crew finishing up their boxing outing and more information on the health care bill which Albert Torcaso retiled the Freedom Bill and explains why. Did you know that a woman inherited 1 MILLION DOLLARS AND HAD TO GIVE IT UP? Find out why in this clip. I finally have the Pinnacle system working a little but it still has frames dropped and the audio skips and a glitch or two but at least the episode is starting to get online. Clip Five has the entire has the Humanity Matters crew trying to box again! So, tune in and watch some wild actions and words!!! If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Please sign this petition it could help to get real health care coverage in America. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved


We end this episode hoping that you will heed the call to action and do all that you can to see that the health care reform bill (Freedom Bill.) is passed. Clip Six find the crew finishing up their boxing outing and more information on the health care bill which Albert Torcaso retiles the Freedom Bill and explains why. Did you know that a woman inherited 1 MILLION DOLLARS AND HAD TO GIVE IT UP? Find out why in this clip. I finally have the Pinnacle system working a little but it still has frames dropped and the audio skips and a glitch or two but at least the episode is starting to get online. Clip Five has the entire has the Humanity Matters crew trying to box again! So, tune in and watch some wild actions and words!!! If any of you know of better software or having editing software and a video card you wish to donate please let me know right away. Thanks to all of you who have watched my shows and who have been guest or supported my shows. The fact that I have uploaded these three clips is proof that one must never give up no matter what obstacles come in your way. Visit these sites to help change America and the world. The Senate. The House. Sign petitions that will make America an even greater nation. Please sign this petition it could help to get real health care coverage in America. Go there and be amazed. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

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