
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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A free nation?

The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
Learn more about our history

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Clip 2,

· The interview concludes for this evening with the Congressman.

Do you want to pay more money? The same amount? Fifty percent less and finally get it free

A disaster? What is it that made me so upset? Tune in to see and hear.

· Americans you have the power to change America’s future if you get to the polls on Nov-2-2010.

· Donna calls in with good ideas.

· Create the RAPP Real Americans Patriot Party.

Copyright © 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso


My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now.


As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage.

Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent’s insurance policy.

Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine.

Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free!

Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law.

And so much more!

Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access.

Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.


Clip 1,

· Albert Torcaso introduces the episode.

· Annette Mendel says hi to people we have met in our lives.

· Chris Weis say his first words of the episode.

· Albert Torcaso speaks about the 2001 tragedy and how we must fear those who attacked us.

· Albert Torcaso’s interview with a United States Congressman Mike Doyle.

Copyright © 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso


My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now.


As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage.

Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent’s insurance policy.

Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine.

Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free!

Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law.

And so much more!

Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access.

Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Charge and Spend!

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click to Play

A secret is revealed By Albert Torcaso that will shock you and may change the way you think!

At their core this series of videos pokes fun at all candidates when they say I approve this message since they had given you the message or their staff did. 

But these clips also expose the truth to all Americans who now must choose the truth or accept outright lies.
The time to act for justice fairness and what is right is now and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A secret is revealed By Albert Torcaso that will shock you and may change the way you think!

Albert Torcaso Election Trillion Lies Truth Four Justice Smart Credit card

The time to act for justice fairness and what is right is now and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.


A secret is revealed By Albert Torcaso that will shock you and may change the way you think!

The time to act for justice fairness and what is right is now and we must not ever retreat in these duties.Albert Torcaso Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 22, 2010

You choose life or death pick one.

You will see political ads on my blog here, but I don't support any candidate that wants to repeal the health care law and Pat is one who would repeal a law that helps senior citizens, college age adults and children who have pre - existing conditions. 
If Pat were to win and repeal this law millions of Americans would suffer as a result and that I could never support or accept.

  1. Seniors on medicare receive 50% off cost of medicines in 2011.
  2. Seniors receive free preventive health care including free tests like breast examinations and prostate examinations.
  3. Medicare will stay solvent until 2029 as a result of the new law and go broke in 2017 if law is repealed.
  4. (Did Pat tell you that?)
  5. Seniors get free medicines prescriptions no 
  6. co pays at all by 2018 no extra cost!
And more by 2014 all Americans will be able to receive health care coverage with or without a pre-existing condition. (Now they are placed in high risk group, but still get covered as a result of this law.

You see Pat and his friends have not explained the truth to Americans about the new health care law and the truth is it saves lives maybe even yours.

Don't support Pat or anyone including democrats who voted against it. Why? Because it's a matter of life & death.

Albert Torcaso

The question is are you going to allow the obstacle to overcome you or are you going to overcome the obstacle? 

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. 

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Clip 3, And have you been studying to receive great grades? WHAT A QUESTION! IS IT UNFAIR??

Clip 3, ? Ashley Sauers is asked a question by Nora Parker. ? Kim is asked a question and Kim works with balloons and other artistic skills, she is an artist. ? Now Garrett Sauers is asked some tough questions about his grades in school. Were these questions unfair? Were we mean? Tune in and find out. ? No Kennywood Park or videography for two years? ? Albert asks both Gordon Sr. as we as Joel who are Garrett?s grandfathers why they served in the military? Do they know that they are heroes? ? Albert asks Gordon Sr. how he feels about veterans not being treated that great. Copyright ? 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law. 1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. Facts: As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage. Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent?s insurance policy. Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine. Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free! Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law. And so much more! Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access. Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Clip 1, Speaking about US Veterans and then a balloon is made!

Clip 4, ;·

Clip 4 About Veterans and Kim makes a special balloon!

Clip 4, ? Albert asks Gordon Sr. his thoughts on veterans not receiving the best care possible. ? Kim makes a balloon sculpture. ? The entire family says their final thoughts on the episode. Good night, friends, family and fans. Join us again live Oct-26-2010 & Nov-1-2010 Copyright ? 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law. 1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. Facts: As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage. Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent?s insurance policy. Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine. Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free! Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law. And so much more! Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access. Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.

Saturday, October 16, 2010



Clip 1,

· Albert Torcaso introduces the episode and Garrett introduces his family.

· Kennywood footage shot by Garrett Sauers is shown.

· Albert Torcaso speaks about SB 699 to stop abuse in PA.

· Albert Torcaso speaks about upcoming episodes and about the election.

· Garrett Sauers tells us why he enjoys Kennywood Park located in

West Mifflin PA.

Copyright © 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso


My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now.


As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage.

Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent’s insurance policy.

Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine.

Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free!

Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law.

And so much more!

Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access.

Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.


Clip 2,

· Garrett Sauers tells us where and how he shot his Kennywood Park footage.

· Garrett Sauers answers a call from Donna. Gordon Sr. answers a call.

Glen reminds people that they must vote on Nov-2010.

Call the governor 1-717-787-2500.

· Nora Parker calls in and asks Jane and Agnes a few questions.

· Albert Torcaso speaks about new friends.

Copyright © 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso


My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now.


As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage.

Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent’s insurance policy.

Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine.

Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free!

Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law.

And so much more!

Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access.

Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.


Clip 3,

· Ashley Sauers is asked a question by Nora Parker.

· Kim is asked a question and Kim works with balloons and other artistic skills, she is an artist.

· Now Garrett Sauers is asked some tough questions about his grades in school. Were these questions unfair? Were we mean? Tune in and find out.

· No Kennywood Park or videography for two years?

· Albert asks both Gordon Sr. as we as Joel who are Garrett’s grandfathers why they served in the military? Do they know that they are heroes?

· Albert asks Gordon Sr. how he feels about veterans not being treated that great.

Copyright © 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso


My fellow Americans call Congress now and tell all members of Congress do not repeal the health care reform law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now.


As of September -23-2010 No child can be denied coverage.

Young adults 18-26 can remain on their parent’s insurance policy.

Seniors receive 250.00 check to help pay for medicine.

Preventive health care such as mammograms will be free!

Medicare will remain strong until 2029 due to the HCR Health Care Law.

And so much more!

Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access.

Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

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