
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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A free nation?

The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
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Friday, May 30, 2008

When Birds Eat Cat Food!!!

Yes, you read it correctly ! You are going to watch birds eating cat food and even fighting over CAT FOOD! Amazing it's amazing!

Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 26, 2008

A Deer In The Yard!

We we're visiting my dad and ( Amazing A Screen Name ) noticed that there was a deer in his yard and since I always have my camcorder I shot footage of the deer I do hope you will enjoy it. Albert Torcaso Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 19, 2008

Clip 1, Start Of The Episode with hot topics!

Clip 1, Start Of The Episode with hot topics!

I start off the show and ask a very tough question! Watch and be shocked!

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

Clip 2, Why are you making laws on marriage?

Clip 2, Why are you making laws on marriage when you should be trying to find ways to help reduce the cost of gasoline and food to name but a few issues that need to be addressed.

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

Clip 1, Start Of The Episode with hot topics!

Start Of The Episode with hot topics! I start off the show and ask a very tough question! Watch and be shocked! This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children. We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst. In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over. Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing. Now is the time that you go forth and do it. Contact your leaders in DC by going to Http:// Http:// Albert Torcaso

Clip 2, Why are you making laws on marriage?

Why are you making laws on marriage when you should be trying to find ways to help reduce the cost of gasoline and food to name but a few issues that need to be addressed. This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children. We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst. In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over. Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing. Now is the time that you go forth and do it. Contact your leaders in DC by going to Http:// Http:// Albert Torcaso

Clip 4, From We Can Do Better, We Will Do Better, We Must Do Better, We?re Americans! And Updates!

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children. We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst. In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over. Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing. Now is the time that you go forth and do it. Contact your leaders in DC by going to


Albert Torcaso
Copyright 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Clip 3, Speaking about anger and how to control it.

Clip 3, Speaking about anger and how to control it but also being honest enough to admit that some of the time people lose their cool and yell but that people should not be judged unfit because they get upset sometimes.

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Clip 4, From We Can Do Better, We Will Do Better, We Must Do Better, We?re Americans! And Updates!

Clip 4, A clip from We Can Do Better, We Will Do Better, We Must Do Better, We’re Americans! And Updates

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Change It Now Clip 5, , The smiley face store that claims they care about their customers and their

Video thumbnail. Click to play

Click To Play

The smiley face store that claims they care about their customers and their employees. The reality is that this store buys most of their products from China which of course pays their employees in China little or no money uses lead in their products which as we have learned could harm you and your children. Oh’ yeah this company also marks up their prices and gets a profit mark up of over 200% Now does that should like a bargain to you? By the way they fired a manager for being humane too!

Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights reserved

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Humanity Matters

Change It Now Clip 6 End of episode

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Change It Now Clip 6 End of episode

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

Thursday, May 15, 2008


This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children. We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst. In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over. Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing. Now is the time that you go forth and do it. Contact your leaders in DC by going to Http:// Http:// Albert Torcaso

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


(PCTV) Community Producers Networking Night

Free Free Free

Please join us in an evening of Networking


Pittsburgh Community Television's Community Producers

When: Friday May 30, 2008 6:00-9:00pm

Where: Shadow Lounge

Baum Blvd-East Liberty

Guest Speaker: Billy Jackson, Producer of Enough is ENOUGH:

The Death of Jonny Gammage-cousin of former Pittsburgh Steeler Ray Seals

Speaker: Paul Green, producer of the Paul Eugene Fitness Show

and more

**Come hear how they got started in producing

**Come see excerpts of their footage

It's a fun filled informative night of networking

Bring your family, friends and crew

Darlene Terry, Outreach Director/Youth Media

Pittsburgh Community Television

1300 Western Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA. 15233

Phone: (412) 322-7570

Fax: (412) 231-2292

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters


Hey everybody,

It's that time of the year again. Pittsburgh Community Television Spring
on-line auction is up and running. We have some wonderful items on the site
that will make great gifts. Some of the items are seasonal while others are
for the whole year.

Some featured items

* A family package and VIP tour of the famed Pittsburgh's Kennywood
Amusement Park
* Negro League baseball memorable donated by the Josh Gibson
* Art work created by talented local artist
* A day fishing trip with Pittsburgh's professional women angler Karen
* Family membership at one the regional Pittsburgh YMCAs
* And look for a package from Tom Poole in which he will lead a
weekend tour in either the city he currently resides Pittsburgh or his
native New York City
* And much much more

Deadlines for some items are Friday, May 16th while the last bid on most
items will be Friday, May 30th at 11:59pm

Please take the time to look at the site
you never know what you might find.

Thomas Poole

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


An unforgettable view and experience

Are you looking for that aerial view for your camera? Rather it be video or a still shot?

Do you want to see what it is like to pilot an aircraft?

Allegheny County Airport's--Pittsburgh Flight Training Center is offering a ½-hour sightseeing/discovery flight--Two (2) can fly in a high wing aircraft-the "Cessna 172 Skyhawk"

The flight will feature amazing aerial views of the Downtown Pittsburgh skyline of Heinz Field, PNC Park, Mellon Arena and other incredible features.

Bid now by logging onto May 16, 2008

Tell Your Friends.
The success of this online auction depends on spreading the word to as many people as possible. We need your help. Please Refer a Friend and encourage them to participate so they don't miss a single moment of the fun and excitement.

Place Your Bid.
Whether you're looking for something unique for yourself, searching for a gift for a special someone, or looking to add a little adventure to your life, you're sure to find something in our auction catalog. Every bid helps support our cause.

Check auction website daily for new added on items.

Darlene Terry, Outreach Director/Youth Media

Pittsburgh Community Television

1300 Western Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA. 15233

Phone: (412) 322-7570

Fax: (412) 231-2292

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

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