
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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A free nation?

The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Clip 3, Speaking about anger and how to control it.

Clip 3, Speaking about anger and how to control it but also being honest enough to admit that some of the time people lose their cool and yell but that people should not be judged unfit because they get upset sometimes.

This episode is all about changing what we do and how we do it. As we are asking those in power why they try to distract us with not only useless legislation, but also divisive and hate inspired laws? This episode asks the question why worry about who gets married to whom and make laws regarding that when we face real problems such as not being able to afford fuel (gasoline) for are automobile or feed our families, Shop for clothes and save for college for our children.

We, The People Of The United States Of America, deserve better laws, policies and actions from all of our leaders in local, State and Federal government and We The People must act to ensure that we get laws and policies that will effect all of our lives for the better and not the worst.

In this cause Lenell Jones III, Albert Goldsmith, and myself, Albert Torcaso, bring forth ideas, and views that may make you think and have you asking the same questions that we ask. And it will hopefully inspire you to make that call or send that e-mail to your leaders in Washington, DC and your state capital wherever you may reside in America and It is my sincere hope that our family and friends around the globe might be inspired to seek answers and find better solutions to self government, justice and freedom the world over.

Be it known to all people of the world that it is true when I say that you and humanity really does matter. Now is your time to reach any goal or mission in life that you have dreamed of doing.

Now is the time that you go forth and do it.

Contact your leaders in DC by going to



Albert Torcaso

Copyright (c) 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

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