
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Need Money? Read This Now!

NEW UPDATES! Even more proof!

There will be other sources of information as well as more information provided by me from research and life experiences. This site is about business trends and other reports.  

An excerpt.
(both physical and online), dedicated portable hardware and software, PC games and games for mobile devices such as mobile phones, tablets, music players and other devices that can play games as a secondary feature. 

Across the board the biggest driver of growth is online distribution and online usage business models. These continue to take share away from the traditional model of selling physical boxed software at retail. 
My comments. Billions more dollars and digitized products will be a huge contribution to this increase
in profitability. 

This site shows how online sales growth is vastly increasing.


Annual revenue in the global online advertising industry is forecast to reach an estimated $139.8 billion in 2018 with a CAGR of 7.3% during 2013-2018. The global online advertising industry witnessed a CAGR of 12.4% during 2007-2012 as revenue reached $91.6 billion in 2012. The top three and top five players of the industry accounted for 64% and 69% of global revenue, respectively, in 2012. There is a medium degree of competition in the industry due to its moderate to high threat of substitutes and moderate buyers' power. Search advertising is expected to be the fastest-growing sector with the increasing usage of search engines.

Back to my words Albert Torcaso, below you will have an extensive article as to how the world of business and marketing is changing.


Read it for one reason it will give you ideas as to how this industry can financially change your life! Yes, joining one of the businesses that I am in or another type of business that deals with virtual products will help you earn an income.

More facts: I happen to be out having dinner Saturday March 1st 2014 and happened to pass the signage  of a now closed multiplex theater that had fourteen screens had closed after thirty two years and over the last five years four other multiplex theaters had closed as well as a few discounted multiplex theaters had closed. You can recall that BlockBuster video closed all of their stores now only Dish network subscribers can view Blockbuster at Home and Blockbuster On Demand streamed movies.

Yes, real brick and mortar businesses going out of business is sad. Heck, it even upsets me to be honest about it. Back to the point how can you profit and earn an income from all of this?

One of the businesses that I am in is the Empower Network, they teach you how to market, you learn from experts and I mean people that make millions of dollars online and some are the tops of the industry.

You will learn how to market anything and everything online or offline physical or digital products. You have an opportunity as well to be an affiliate that has five products with 100% commissions.

Now, you may wonder how BlockBuster or Dish Network or any company's web presence or success can make you a single penny?

The Empower Network teaches you how to market anything, gives you access to 100% commissions on the products you sell from them in addition they teach you how to get targeted traffic to your web site as well as how to convert visitors into customers.
With that you can then sign up to other affiliate networks and be paid a commission by each company that agree contract with you.
These commissions can range from as little as 1% up to 75% most of the time the range is 2% to 30%.

Once you join the Empower Network you will learn how to market anything then you can join affiliate networking sites such as Commission Junction, LinkShare as well as many more. From there, you apply to vendors such as USA Today Newspaper, BlockBuster, and thousands more! You can also become an Amazon Affiliate just like I have this is why you see those advertisements  on my web site you can even become an eBay affiliate.

At that point with your training as well as your 100% commission on Empower Network products and finally being able to attract traffic to your web site (s) you have a potential to have a substantial increase in your income.
Now is the time for you to take massive action now that you have the facts it is time for TAKE MASSIVE ACTION!

I was in line at a local department store and I happened to see gift cards for Google Play, ITunes and Android then the thought occurred to me for at least the last few years I have been trying to convince friends, family and fans that the businesses that I’m in. One has products that are only digitized products that are mostly software and no one seems to trust in digitized products.

Here is what I never used as a presentation that would be hard evidence. A short list of digitized products that millions of people around the world buy, but most never profit from!

1.     Applications (apps on mobile devices, phones, tablets, laptops.)
2.     Electronic Books (e – books.)
3.     PDF’ documents
4.     Audio books, plays,
5.     Mp3’s and streamed music, comedy etc.
6.     Software for PC’s Mac’s etc
7.     Software programs for just about anything
8      Movies On Demand, Streamed Movies, Shows.


There is even software that you can buy that helps you have a virtual assistant to do many tasks including posting to social networks automatically. Creating solo ads placing items on auction sites.

The point is that many people won’t even consider joining my business or any business that deals with digitized products and I will tell you the truth about that.

You are costing yourself the potential loss of unbelievable income!
Not convinced? Go to Wal Mart, Target the local grocery store and see for yourself that these stores are making a great deal of revenue from digitized products forget for a second about the real items they sell such as iPods, iPhones, iMacs, MP3 Players, Kindles, Nooks, and other E-book readers. Pandora adapters and other products.

Then look at the gift cards up front as listed before Googleplay, iTunes, Android, Even Barnes and Noble for their digitized books, products.

Now, you do realize that these are multi billion dollars industries right? And let’s look at now there are movies, shows, and other video content streamed all digitized!
The point?

Odds are that you have bought and or used these devices and products. Now, realize there are ways for you to cash in on the digitized revolution.

Yes, you could get pieces of this action in many ways, but instead of you needing to come up with your own products or becoming an affiliate and only receiving from 2% commission to 60% commissions or you could join one of my businesses and this is a fact like the facts above you can join my team learn marketing secrets from experts and yes, you can be an affiliate have the company write all the needed ads and you receive 100% commissions on five of the six products. The sixth product you receive over 90% on that commission not only that many of these commissions are recurring on at least two of the five products. 

The Case For Digitized Products

I could tell you more instead learn for free by the experts by just clicking on the link joining the e-mail list reading the e-mail and starting to change your life forever. Get a piece of this industry.
I have as a result within months I will not need to worry about paying the bills anymore as my finances will outweigh my bills or liabilities.

I only ask you to give this a chance go ahead take a trip online do the research look at how much digitized products are grossing per year then don’t forget web sites that are worth billions such as eBay, Twitter and FaceBook!  

Ever think about the fact that FaceBook is digitized as is Google and so on. Look at the figures for these industries combined it is in the very high billions of dollars a year.

Now, get your small piece of that pie and who knows where you will end up? Don’t limit yourself, your mind or your freedom!

Thanks for viewing now get in and join the team the team to freedom! Click it and start your freedom ride!

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

The Case For Digitized Products

Most Streamed Lounge Music 2013 

Copyright 2004 - 2014 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.


Copyright 2004 -2014 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

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