
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Senate Action ALERT & COPE Act Update!

As a cable access producer / board member of our local cable access station. I believe that public access should continue as a way to ensure that Americans have a voice on any and all matters and issues. I have signed the petition. Please join with us and tell our government that public access has value and we must keep it on the air.


Sing the petition and then write to your Senators so that cable access stays on the airwaves. Senate

Monday's at 11:00 pm EST time starting in July. Watch Humanity Matters online at
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 8:57 PM
Subject: [producer-announce] Senate Action Alert & COPE Act Update


The Fight For Public Access TV Moves to the Senate!
Contact your Senators Now!

Go to

On June 8th—in a devastating blow to Public Access TV and democratic media in America—the House of Representatives voted in favor of the COPE Act. The COPE Act would limit the future funding and channel space for Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) Access TV. The good news is that the New York Delegation in the House received an overwhelming amount of emails, phone calls and letters from Public Access TV supporters and as a result many of them voted against the COPE Act.

The fight isn’t over—a companion bill to the COPE Act must be passed in the Senate before COPE can be written into law—the Senate bill is called the Communications, Consumers’ Choice, and Broadband Deployment Act of 2006 (S.2686). This Senate bill will be “marked-up” on June 22nd—and could be voted on in the Senate as early as the beginning of July!

It is urgently important that we now let NY Senators Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer know they must oppose this bill—and any other legislation that would harm Public Access TV!

Take a few minutes from your schedule and go to to fill out and send electronic letters to our Senators—or call and fax their offices with your comments. Please tell your friends and family in New York State and all over the U.S. to do the same. The site enables people to contact their Senators from every State.

On June 22nd, the Senate will mark up the S.2686 bill, please raise your voice and tell your Senators:

1) S.2686 and any new legislation must guarantee current or increased levels of funding and channel capacity for Public Access TV . Currently, the bill would weaken or end Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) TV! PEG TV is a cornerstone of local government, education, and our democracy.

2) S.2686 must ensure local control and local oversight of our “Public Rights of Way” and allow local communities to determine their own PEG Access TV needs. PEG TV is America's local television service.

3) S.2686 must explicitly outlaw “redlining” of franchise service areas on the basis of geographic location. We must not allow these phone companies to deny service to low-income and rural communities.

4) S.2686 doesn’t have strong net neutrality provisions to protect an open Internet.

5) Also, remind them the New York City Council unanimously passed Resolution (Res. 0136-2006) on May 10th, opposing the COPE Act or any similar legislation.

Contact Info for New York Senators:
Senator Charles E. Schumer
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax: (202) 228-3027

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Phone: (202) 224-4451
Fax: (202) 228-0282

Thanks for all your support! Please continue to check for up to date local info—and
for updates on what's happening on this issue nationally. For additional information about the passing of the COPE bill go to:

For more information you can contact us at or call (212) 757-2670 x308.
Para Español llame (212) 757-2670 x308

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