
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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A free nation?

The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
Learn more about our history

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You Ready For A New You? Let's Make A Change That Helps Our Lives!

A great change is coming in my life and it is one that will make my life better financially as I learn my new business opportunity as I learn it I will speak of it to you or will post textual blogs or even videos and audio podcast. I am making great changes across the spectrum every episode of my television show, podcast and all content of all types will be having changes. Why? You will learn more over the next months and years, but mainly because even though I have helped people in the past and even helped them to be inspired I want real hands on changes and I want the poor and hopeless top have hope the poor and penniless to be able to save a few pennies then dollars to be able to join us and learn the business and then hopefully start earning some income small at first then with education hopefully it could expand. I can't promise anything except that I will do my best to learn what I must learn then I shall mentor you and hopefully inspire you and others. Bottom line I am making wholesale change in all aspects of my life.

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 
I have a question. How much do you trust me? How much do you trust your Twitter friends? Answer here make a comment or message me.

Learn Now And Start The Path To Success!
For you who really read my tweets, view my blog podcast episodes & videos. I want you to know a great change

is coming in 2013. Be part of it.

Some of you know that I started a brand new business I am finally starting to find the needed information to learn this business as well as I broadcast on live television and even better than that and

I will admit I have an AGENDA!


In business once I and you have learned what the business is and how it works. I want you in the business for one big reason I want to earn money and gain true financial freedom and now I have the business that can and has done it for thousands of people for fifty years!


If we want, but take no action or do not learn we shall never earn the income nor shall we become free of financial stress, we may win financial freedom if we have a career, but often lose our chances to be with family and loved ones while they are growing up or growing old.

MY MISSION? WIN the financial freedom and the time freedom as well! How? Find the business that allows part time while earning a full time income and I found such a business. In 2013 I will be making great and wholesale changes to my life as well as my shows and my video, audio, textual content I in fact will be re-inventing myself because I want freedom for myself, my family, my friends and my fans! I am not going to be a slave to finances or time anymore! Join me in my mission now even as you may have doubts in me or the business opportunity, or even in yourself. I ask you to take action now and message me. One thing I promise I will always be honest with you, work to help you and above all I shall always be looking out for your best interest because as hard as it is to believe I really care about each of you even those who hate me.
Now, I ask of you how can you have fear when you have someone who has your back and who has told the truth at great expense and risk since 2004 the year that Humanity Matters television first appeared on
You see I am not going to cheat or lie to you because I don't want God looking at me when I die and asking Albert why did you harm or lie to those people? Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to yourself? I won't lie or back down. This is why I have always told it like it is even knowing I would face backlash and personal & professional pain.
You have a chance at a new life as do I let us not waste it.
Albert Torcaso

When you learn of this business opportunity I want you to do the research before you join it I want you to know that you can succeed if you work hard and learn what you must learn. I want a better life for all of us and for those who come after us, we can start the great change now and we will succeed.
Albert Torcaso

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Vote 11-6-2012 Even If They Try To Stop You Stand Up And Vote!

C2 A Great Day Of Justice. Vote Nov – 6 -2012

This Is One Urgent message, maybe the most important message that I have ever put on video! This is about saving our nation and our freedom our very way of life and ensuring liberty. This is no weak video it has the fire of a thousand fires. It tells the facts and takes no back seat to the truth! It scares when needed comforts when called for. I tell you what is needed to happen to save all of our jobs and us as well as how to gain new jobs. So, be you 13 years old or 118 years old listen to every word then on Tuesday find a way to the polls and vote for America's and our futures.

Visit me as well here.


A wonderful place for a gift. 204591_Shop Ne'Qwa Art at! Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need. Copyright 2004 -2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

I Want You To Earn Extra Money!

It's not that I have left you or that I am not posting anymore I have just been busy and trying to start a new real business and with that I will be posting again about many things including this business and how you must follow me into this business. Now, I'm not promising anything, but I will tell you the start up cost is less than 200 dollars and we're talking about a real world and online business that grossed 11 billion dollars last year and one that has helped thousands find real financial freedom. I promise to tell you all about it over the next days, months and years. And when I make the money you can bet you will learn about that as well. You're my family and my friends I will hold no secrets from you!

Now, below here is a great way to save fifty percent on great products, but whereas this is an affiliate based opportunity the business that I am in now is really owned by me and I want you to be involved with the business that I have started. As for this business, it is also great,  but much harder to make even a few pennies in. The new business that I am in is going to be a big time winner for me and I hope for you as well.

Note: If you join this new business you will personally work with me and my mentors no matter where on earth you live. Be It Italy,India, China, Hong Kong, Spain, France, Ireland, Russia, Japan, anywhere. How would we work together? Some by traveling here others by Skype or others means, but together we can have an international team and we can and would change lives! Be bold and e-mail me about it. 
Albert Torcaso

251652_50% Off On Everything!

251652_50% Off On All Calendars!
The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many.
Albert Torcaso

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

There's Tastes In Those Chips!

First flavor that I createdSuper Spicy Sweet this has kick with the hot spice of habanero pepper and brown sugar to smooth out the heat.

And for the non hot spicy fans here's a sweet tooth's delight! Lay's Do Us A Flavor on Facebook | Facebook Your going to love them both! Vote now and have us have these great flavors in stores soon!

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. 
Albert Torcaso 

Look to Humanity Matters Dot Org For Content, Information, Entertainment And For Great Deals On Products & Services That You Need. 

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Mr. Romney I Have Some Ideas For You.

Am I lazy? I think not! I survive on less than 700,00 seven hundred dollars a month and can't even count on paying off all of my bills. I am a self taught talk show host, podcaster, videgrapher, producer, photographer, uploader, writer, storyteller, uploader, blogger, and much more and I do everyone of these jobs at least 14 days of each month. Does that sound lazy to you? If I do all of this you must be thinking why does he not earn any money? Because I just can't get people to pay me yet and because since I am so nice and love what I do I have a hard time asking to be paid when a person asks me to film their events. Truth be told I need a business manager so that they can get me the gigs and have me be paid for all of what I do. Can you fit that role? You would be paid a commission! 10 to 20 percent of each job! Contact me now! 

Yeah, I went off track, but the point is that I am in no way lazy as 
Mr. Romney claims. And  most of the forty seven percent are hard working Americans so, I ask you to Watch, listen and then take a stand. Vote for Obama in November as a message to Romney that we shall not be disrespected!!

I believe that we must stand up to all peoples' who would disrespect us and that the best way to stand up in this case is to vote in November and send a super strong message to those who would dare and call us freeloaders or lazy. I am not looking for handouts nor am I lazy and if you agree with me STAND UP AND BE COUNTED IN November 2012!!!

By the way, I like not having the money to insure that I can eat, have transportation and shelter. Really? Who but an out of touch uncaring person could make such a senseless statement.
Albert Torcaso

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 
Contact me through FaceBook, G-Mail, Twitter, YouTube or Humanity Matters Dot Org.

Visit me as well here.

Copyright 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Nikes for woman!
Give this a look!

A great source for industrial and lab supplies powered by you and your company or university will have what you need and save money.


Want a new iPhone 4 or look for an iPhone 5? Click here and get a great deal!

As I have said you can have so many great deals that you won't believe it so, go forth and shop!

Don't forget the great deals on unlimited movies at Blockbuster, Netflix and Amazon!

Well, everyone you know that I also have great deals for you right?

Now, you can have unlimited videos from three sources that I have access to.

  1. Amazon
  2. BlockBuster
  3. Netflix.

Yes, three great plans and none have late fees so stop waiting and join one of these plans see the movies and shows and more without ever having a late fee or having to drive or walk anywhere.

Snow White And The Huntsman Rent it now! I have seen this film and it is good.

Great Deals on movies and TV episodes with two choices you need to check out these deals. And for the record, our way of life includes watching movies therefore, this is not dishonoring any of our heroes or those who were harmed or killed in 9-11-2001 because they would want life in America to go on as before. So, honor them and yourself by joining one of these plans and watching a movie in their honor.

Netflix or BlockBuster you choose and start having all the movies you want without any late fees!

Another chance to learn how to earn an online Income! This link will direct you to the Coffee Shop Millionaire System Listen And Consider Getting It. I Am Buying It And Will Use It To Make Money!

Another very good movie! 

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. 
Albert Torcaso 

Http:// Look to Humanity Matters Dot Org For Content, Information, Entertainment And For Great Deals On Products & Services That You Need.

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Care About People, But Do They Care About Us? I Am Sorry That I Feel This Way, But My Hope Is Leaving Me A Bit.

People say that Pittsburgh and The United States Of America is great and I believe this of America as for Pittsburgh I will ask my fellow Pittsburgh residents please help us so that we can live to help others and keep trying to improve lives of all Pittsburgh residents and indeed to attempt to improve all human and animal lives.

And keep in mind buying items from the links and banner ads could earn me a few cents and we all know that pennies, dimes, and nickels can lead to earning a few dollars or more therefore consider the bargains you would receive as well as it maybe helping me in some small manner.

Thank you.
Albert Torcaso    

Copyright 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Nikes for woman!
The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso 

Give this a look!

A great source for industrial and lab supplies powered by you and your company or university will have what you need and save money.


Want a new iPhone 4 or look for an iPhone 5? Click here and get a great deal!

As I have said you can have so many great deals that you won't believe it so, go forth and shop!

Don't forget the great deals on unlimited movies at Blockbuster, Netflix and Amazon!
Well, everyone you know that I also have great deals for you right?

Now, you can have unlimited videos from three sources that I have access to.

  1. Amazon
  2. BlockBuster
  3. Netflix.

Yes, three great plans and none have late fees so stop waiting and join one of these plans see the movies and shows and more without ever having a late fee or having to drive or walk anywhere.

Snow White And The Huntsman Rent it now! I have seen this film and it is good.

Copyright 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved 

Great Deals on movies and TV episodes with two choices you need to check out these deals. And for the record, our way of life includes watching movies therefore, this is not dishonoring any of our heroes or those who were harmed or killed in 9-11-2001 because they would want life in America to go on as before. So, honor them and yourself by joining one of these plans and watching a movie in their honor.

Instantly watch from thousands of TV episodes & movies streaming from Netflix. Try Netflix for FREE!

Netflix or BlockBuster you choose and start having all the movies you want without any late fees!


Another chance to learn how to earn an online Income! This link will direct you to the Coffee Shop Millionaire System Listen And Consider Getting It. I Am Buying It And Will Use It To Make Money!

Another very good movie! 

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Shocking Money Saving Secrets About Amazon!

Amazon Secrets That You And Your Friends Don’t Know About! Listen Up!

Hey, you like learning secrets? Like saving the loads of cash and still having the latest models of iPhone, iPads, Books, Shoes, The Hunger Games products or that brand new pair of Nikes? Well, here are some secrets that you don't know yet and these secrets can save you thousands of dollars in some cases! I'm going to share a few secrets with you now you can keep them to yourself or share them with the family and friends that is up to you. I'll say this, if you like shoes you're going to love learning this secret!

Contact me through FaceBook, G-Mail, Twitter, YouTube or Humanity Matters Dot Org.

Visit me as well here.

Copyright 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved

Nikes for woman!
The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso 

Give this a look!

A great source for industrial and lab supplies powered by you and your company or university will have what you need and save money.


Want a new iPhone 4 or look for an iPhone 5? Click here and get a great deal!

As I have said you can have so many great deals that you won't believe it so, go forth and shop!

Don't forget the great deals on unlimited movies at Blockbuster, Netflix and Amazon!
Well, everyone you know that I also have great deals for you right?

Now, you can have unlimited videos from three sources that I have access to.

  1. Amazon
  2. BlockBuster
  3. Netflix.

Yes, three great plans and none have late fees so stop waiting and join one of these plans see the movies and shows and more without ever having a late fee or having to drive or walk anywhere.

Snow White And The Huntsman Rent it now! I have seen this film and it is good.

Copyright 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved 

Great Deals on movies and TV episodes with two choices you need to check out these deals. And for the record, our way of life includes watching movies therefore, this is not dishonoring any of our heroes or those who were harmed or killed in 9-11-2001 because they would want life in America to go on as before. So, honor them and yourself by joining one of these plans and watching a movie in their honor.

Instantly watch from thousands of TV episodes & movies streaming from Netflix. Try Netflix for FREE!

Netflix or BlockBuster you choose and start having all the movies you want without any late fees!


Another chance to learn how to earn an online Income! This link will direct you to the Coffee Shop Millionaire System Listen And Consider Getting It. I Am Buying It And Will Use It To Make Money!

Another very good movie! 

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Don't Forget True Patriotism.

9-11 Eleven Years Later This is my heartfelt message to my fellow Americans and the world about 9-11 and how we must prevent terrorism from happening anymore.

I give my condolences to all of the families of those who were killed or injured. I also speak about how to prevent it from happening ever again. Please join me in this resolve to protect America and to never let anyone harm America or Americans again. 

Call Congress as well and tell them it’s time we do all that we can to protect America and Americans. 1-202-224-3121. 

We must have true patriotism and not just words, we must be bold and brave enough to finally end all wars and terrorism

Visit me as well here.
Albert's YouTube Channel
Albert's Twitter Page

Copyright 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved 

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso 

Great Deals on movies and TV episodes with two choices you need to check out these deals. And for the record, our way of life includes watching movies therefore, this is not dishonoring any of our heroes or those who were harmed or killed in 9-11-2001 because they would want life in America to go on as before. So, honor them and yourself by joining one of these plans and watching a movie in their honor.

Instantly watch from thousands of TV episodes & movies streaming from Netflix. Try Netflix for FREE!

Netflix or BlockBuster you choose and start having all the movies you want without any late fees!


Another chance to learn how to earn an online Income! This link will direct you to the Coffee Shop Millionaire System Listen And Consider Getting It. I Am Buying It And Will Use It To Make Money!

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I Was Gone And I Am Sorry.

This post was to be titled Too Many Deaths Too Soon And No Way To Stop It.

How do I start this post? I would ask you to listen to the video first then please come back and read below.

The event is below.
Deaths, deaths and more deaths this is what we, as a family, have faced over the last ten years it has become so common place in our home that we seem to not ever grieve anymore. In fact, I don't believe I really ever grieved for my mother or second father both passed one in 2002 cancer one in 2008. In between 2002 to eight there were five deaths and from 2002 to 2012 there have been too many to count. 
What hurts the most is that most of the deaths were from cancer or a mystery illness and the worst of it is being among the least able to pay for medical care. 

Most of these deaths will never have an answer as to how, where or why did so many of my family members contracted cancer. I believe it to be my house in the form of some undetected chemical, gas, or who knows? I can't afford to move or even afford to have it inspected and one can't lose their home or would become homeless so why reveal this to my readers, friends and family? Because you may be able to help me find out what is killing my family and if in fact, I and my live in friend are at risk? 

Why should you help? Because I am working to get my break in the business of broadcasting and once I do you would have a huge benefit in some manner and may even benefit of a financial manner. That and the fact that you could possibly save our lives. Sure, I know I am asking for help and how it is considered 
un-professional and yet indeed I am a professional who because of not being paid for my craft and services I have lost in total twelve family members in twelve years. 
The worst part of this is the fact that I have had success as a talk show host on and offline even booking some famous guests. Again, alas, it is non paid and this is the problem as my life is in affect a prison in that I must watch and can do nothing as my family members die around me as well as wonder who is next? How long will it be before the two who remain will become sick? Yes, I would be one of the two who remain. Will I be next? 
Can I do anything to save us? I know this much if you can help me in any manner at all by maybe introducing me to a network executive, official, agent, station manager, public relations agent who would work pro bona or on a commission based on booking auditions and landing jobs.

I need your help, my fellow Pittsburghers, Americans, friends, fans around the world. How much so? Well, lives depend on it and I am revealing my e-mail address to you in a hopeful prayer that you will help me in some manner to find out what keeps killing our family members. 
We lost another family member August-6-2012 @ 1:00 AM EST Time. Maybe you can help me get my break, maybe you can help me get my house inspected and or repaired (If need be)   for free if such a leak or some poison exist.

However, you can help maybe you can drive thousands or millions of people to this very blog site and help me earn an online living or maybe you can pray for us or even better maybe just maybe you can help get thousands or millions of people praying for us then we can find a way to solve this problem that has killed our family members. I can't move and my home is livable the problem is it is over 120 years old and may have deadly paint or who knows? 

This I know should I get my break I will repay you ten fold and I will do my best to improve thousands or even millions of lives through my words, voice, writings and actions. You see, one who wants to help others  will always help just please help us to live through this and be able to be a positive force in improving life for all of humanity.
Albert Torcaso

Now, here is the e-mail address.

People say that Pittsburgh and The United States Of America is great and I believe this of America as for Pittsburgh I will ask my fellow Pittsburgh residents please help us so that we can live to help others and keep trying to improve lives of all Pittsburgh residents and indeed to attempt to improve all human and animal lives.

And keep in mind buying items from the links and banner ads could earn me a few cents and we all know that pennies, dimes, and nickels can lead to earning a few dollars or more therefore consider the bargains you would receive as well as it maybe helping me in some small manner.

Thank you.
Albert Torcaso

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of many. 
Albert Torcaso 

Http:// Visit my mainstay site. My business related site. 

My YouTube Page visit and subscribe. 


Get these great deals right now and start a new path for all of us.

Deals for you.

More great products that you must not miss out on.

I now have my Amazon store in place and you won't believe these super deals until you see them. We have digital cameras low priced and high end cameras and we have lawnmowers priced low and some high end even a tractor! So please do visit my store and soon you are going to find bargains galore!

Go see this wonderful site.

Very Exciting! 

You need it they have it shop here for hard to find products. Corporate, Government, & Education Marketplace

Copyright 2004 - 2012 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

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