
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
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Monday, March 22, 2010

America and our people won today and for all time. By Albert Torcaso

I will have more to say about this great day, but for now you may read what I posted on the Whitehouse You Tube page. President Obama inspires millions of Americans to dream and to awake your dream to make it a reality. With health care reform in place we will see a new stronger and free America. Some may question the words of the President or of these that I write now. Be assured my American family, republicans, democrats, independents and all patriots although you may fair this new bill it will impact your lives for the better. Facts of bill.


A new day of freedom has come to America and all Americans. Those who support or oppose this bill will see it help them in their lives within weeks or months. Many disabled Americans will finally be able to pursue their dreams and will be able to receive health insurance coverage be that sick or healthy. This indeed is a new dawn of freedom in America.

Albert Torcaso 

Please watch Humanity Matters on Tuesday's at 6PM on PCTV 21 and online at

The question is are you going to allow the obstacle to overcome you or are you going to overcome the obstacle?


Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I call on all members of Congress to vote yes on life. By Albert Torcaso

How much does health care reform mean to me? Well, if the democrats don't Pass President Obama's plan I will quit the democratic party Monday or the day after they turn down this bill. 

If they are such self serving cowards or not willing to risk being re-elected then they don't need and will no longer receive my vote. 
I will still vote for the President in 2012 if he works to get another health care reform bill passed should this one fail. 
But, for the rest of the democrats that vote no I will not only be reading the roll call of no votes, but in fact will read the list on my TV show and will read it each and every month so that Americans will remember how you let 48 million Americans remain without health care coverage so that they learn the truth about this bill and how it would have impacted their lives in a great way.

Yes, Democrats in both chambers heed my words you'll not only lose the support of a lifelong democrat, but this one time democrat will tell thousands or millions of Americans how you sold us out for cowardly reasons and because of insurance lobbyists.

As for the entire republican party you can rest assured that I will be publishing a complete list of all of your names and that once the American people know the true facts about this health care reform bill you will lose millions of people in your base.

In closing Democrats & Republicans your no votes will be published online and on TV not just in the next week or weeks, but up to and even after the 2010 elections. I will publish and broadcast this list for the next 12 years.

For all Democrats & Republicans who vote yes you will have your name listed as well for the next twelve years so that the American people can see & will be reminded of your great & heroic deeds for you I will do my best to see you re-elected.

Albert Torcaso

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Will the House choose life or dealth for Americans when they vote? By Albert Torcaso

Congressman Jason Altmire says he is a firm no. 
33 democrats say they will vote no on health care reform.

The bill is in extreme critical condition it may indeed fail, but it won't just be republicans to blame it will be democrats. While it is true that no republican plans to vote yes on the bill in either chamber it is the democrats who ultimately kill this bill if it fails and in so doing it is the democrats who vote no who will doom almost 45,000 Americans to die each and every year. 

It must also be noted that everyone of these democrats and the entire republican party has access to the Office Of the Attending Physician for the very low annual cost of only 503 dollars a year. 75 % of their remaining cost is paid by the very same American taxpayers that so many democrats and republicans are trying to deny health care coverage to. 

It must also be noted that the Office of The Attending Physician is on site in the capital and therefore Congressmen and Congresswomen as well as Senators receive on site house calls when they are ill.

I was asked by many what will health care reform do for me if it is passed? Well, for one thing you won't be thrown off of any insurance plan you have if you become ill, in addition you won't be denied health care insurance simply because you have a pre-existing condition, and if you are 18 you will be allowed to be covered until you reach the age of 26 years old. 
Those are just a few actions that will happen within weeks or months if this bill is passed. For older adults the prescription will be closed and you will see your cost lowered on the medicines that you need.

For more information go here now it tells you everything that you need to know.

You also keep the insurance you have if you choose to do so.  Click on the truth about health care reform.

Now I ask Jason Altmire to reverse his decision to vote no. Ask him for America's and Americans' future to vote a firm yes on health care reform.

Visit Jason Altmire's office 
Saturday March-20-2010 
from 10:00 AM till 5:00 PM

Fill out a comment card, ask him to please vote yes on health care reform?

Do we need to ask him and other democrats in both chambers are you for and with the American people? Or are you self serving, and for corporations, & lobbyists?

This is the chance to save millions of lives not only now, but lives of yet unborn Americans. A chance to fulfill President Abraham Lincoln's words that Our nation is a place where all Americans have a fair chance in the race of life.
You have the power and duty to see this bill pass and to insure the lives of Americans will improve because of this bill.

People who can't receive insurance because of pre-existing conditions will be freed and finally able to get insured and save their lives.

Albert Torcaso

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of
Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It Is Time For Americans To Get A Fair Chance In Life. By Albert Torcaso

The vote for health care reform may come

Friday 3-19-2010 in the House.

Call them now and tell them to vote for the lives of Americans and vote yes on health care reform

1-800-828-0498 (Free) Or 1-202-225-3121

If we allow democrats in the House or Senate or even republicans to kill this health care bill then millions of American lives will be lost and you will pay higher taxes by 2018 as much a 1/3 more than you do now.
Not only that, but our nation could end up going to all out socialized medicine
by 2018 to 2020.

We must not let this happen! Is this bill perfect? Heck, no! Is it a good bill? Heck, yes! It will save millions of lives and allow millions to get coverage they could never get before because of pre-existing conditions.
I implore you to call your members in the House now and start calling members in the Senate on Monday


1-800-828-0498 (Free) Or 1-202-225-3121
Albert Torcaso

Note: caps used for effect, but I am not yelling at anyone.

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and has pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why should Pittsburgh Residents be lied to and cheated? By Albert Torcaso

UPDATE We need you now make as many calls as possible the House may vote this Friday 3-19-2010 and if it fails 48 million Americans will remain without health care access and millions more will lose their coverage! 
Call at once.

1-800-828-0498 (Free)



I could tell you many reasons why this health care reform bill is needed and why it is a good bill, but must include a public option. Let me be clear, however, that a public option is what it says just one more option for you to be able to afford health insurance coverage.

It is not nor will it ever be required nor a government take over of health care.

I leave you with a list of facts:

Insurance industries collectedly made 816 billion dollars in 2009.

Nearly 45,000 people die each year from lack of access to care (source Harvard University)

Members of Congress pay 503 dollars annually for health care access using the Office Of The Attending Physician (Source ABC News) Congress spent 3.8 million dollars to update the offices in 2009.

Each member of Congress makes at least 174,000 a year - 503 dollars on health care = 173,497 dollars after health care costs.

Projected cost of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars 3 trillion dollars

Projected cost of Health Care Reform Bill
1 trillion dollars.

In countries that have a universal health care system there are no bankruptcies due to medical bills.

In the United States OF America there are millions of bankruptcies due to medical expenses.

240 members of Congress used the Office of the Attending Physician in 2008. The office and the health care is staffed by Navy officers and doctors. It is a government run and subsidized health care system (Congress has government run health care, but claims it is bad for us).

Members of Congress do not pay for the individual services they receive at the OAP, nor do they submit claims through their federal employee health insurance policies. Instead, members pay a flat, annual fee of $503 for all the care they receive. The rest of the cost of their care, sources said, is subsidized by taxpayers. 
(source ABC News report)
View it now

Call now Congress now.

1-800-828-0498 (Free Call)


(Long distance charges may apply.)

Thank you for reading this message.

Albert Torcaso

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.

Albert Torcaso

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of
Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Tuesday 3-9-2010 you can help to save American lives.

Please get in the buss to DC and work to see health care reform passed.

All Pittsburgh Residents We need you to Get on The Bus this Tuesday! Hurry lives depend on it Go this second

Did you know that in nations that provide access for all to health care there are no bankruptcies due to medical bills? Not a penny.

Hurry they need you in DC in less than 33 hours! To help pass health care reform.

Bus leaves Pittsburgh early but it is a matter of life and death.

Pittsburgh Dave Ninehouser 4:00 AM
PCOC Office
5907 Penn Avenue, Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15206


Senator Judd Greg in 2005 if you have 51 votes for your position you win. Okay Democrats you have 59 votes so pass health care reform now.

All Pittsburgh Residents We need you to Get on The Bus this Tuesday! Hurry lives depend on it Go this second

59 votes in the Senate the democrats must and will pass this health care bill. The truth

Americans, did you know that in countries that have universal health care coverage the rate of abortions is lower that's right lower.

I support the President on the health care reform bill and ask all members, in Congress to pass Health Care Reform today.

Senate Democrats & House Democrats pass health care reform now and I will keep supporting you Don't fear the people we are with you.

March 9th 10:30 AM at Dupont Circle - D.C rally health care bill We can save lives Americans or we can cower I choose to work to save American lives if you agree sing up and be in that bus Tuesday 3-9-2010

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties.
Albert Torcaso

Sometimes standing up for one makes you a leader of
Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved.

Each member of Congress makes 174,000 dollars a year and pays 503 dollars a year for health care while denying us access to the care we need.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


Clip 1, 

Chris Weis introduces Albert Torcaso.

Albert Torcaso starts off the episode with talk about money, find out whose money he is talking about.

Albert Torcaso introduces Dave Ninehouser. 

Albert Torcaso talks about the Office of The Attending Physician with Dave Ninehouser. 

The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. 
Albert Torcaso

Want the facts about the bill? Go here
My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law. 

My fellow Americans call Congress now and get health care reform passed into law.

1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. 

Fact: Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access. 

Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this.

Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved 

Permission must be granted by Albert Torcaso before any duplications or use of episode is permitted. You may link up or post on your non commercial web site (s) freely but may not make an income from this episode or any content belonging to Albert Torcaso without written permission. Contact


Clip 2, ? Albert Torcaso asks Dave Ninehouser how he feels about the members of Congress becoming wealthy from serving in Congress. ? Dave Ninehouser explains why he is fighting for health care reform and why all Americans must care about it. ? Dave Ninehouser answers a few calls from viewers. ? A few bloopers and flubs make for some comic relief which is needed is such a powerful episode. ? Dave Ninehouser explains why all Americans should care about this bill and support it. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law. My fellow Americans call Congress now and get health care reform passed into law. 1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. Fact: Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this. Copyright ? 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved Permission must be granted by Albert Torcaso before any duplications or use of episode is permitted. You may link up or post on your non commercial web site (s) freely but may not make an income from this episode or any content belonging to Albert Torcaso without written permission. Contact


Clip 3,


Clip 4, A HUMAN RIGHT • Albert Torcaso tells us Members of Congress pays 1,509 dollars in a three year’s time

Clip 4,


Albert Torcaso surprises himself by telling Congress that they will pass the bill! Whoa did I just say that? ? Well, from a legal stand point the American right to petition Congress to pass this or any bill this right is a right in the Bill Of Rights in fact it?s the first amendment. ? Dave Ninehouser tells us how to attend the vital event. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law. My fellow Americans call Congress now and get health care reform passed into law. 1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. Fact: Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this. Copyright ? 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved Permission must be granted by Albert Torcaso before any duplications or use of episode is permitted. You may link up or post on your non commercial web site (s) freely but may not make an income from this episode or any content belonging to Albert Torcaso without written permission. Contact

Clip 6, Be ready to be shocked!!

Clip 6, ? Albert Torcaso reveals some shocking facts that he found in his research, this research was from the Congressional Budget Office. ? Annette Mendel reads part of a letter that I Albert Torcaso wrote. ? A caller asks a very important question and Albert Torcaso gives the answer and more. The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law. My fellow Americans call Congress now and get health care reform passed into law. 1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. Fact: Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this. Copyright ? 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved Permission must be granted by Albert Torcaso before any duplications or use of episode is permitted. You may link up or post on your non commercial web site (s) freely but may not make an income from this episode or any content belonging to Albert Torcaso without written permission. Contact

Clip 7, You want the facts?

Clip 7, Kathy Payer tells us a shocking about the pain of a family member. Albert Torcaso tells us about the 237,000 bill a woman had. ? Episode?s closing comments and the full credits The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// My online petition to help get health care reform with a public option passed into law. My fellow Americans call Congress now and get health care reform passed into law. 1-202-225-3121 save American lives, call now. Fact: Nearly 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health care access Nearly 900,000 every twenty years. Let us change this. Copyright 2010 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved Permission must be granted by Albert Torcaso before any duplications or use of episode is permitted. You may link up or post on your non commercial web site (s) freely but may not make an income from this episode or any content belonging to Albert Torcaso without written permission. Contact

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