Clip 2,
Albert Torcaso tells Americans about the cost of the Iraq War but in truth it is more than 2.5 trillion and updated true cost would be closer to 3.trillion or more dollars the projected cost of our health care plane would be 1 trillion dollars or less.
Albert Torcaso lets it be known that he will work to see no incumbent be reelected if the health care bill is not passed before the 2010 elections.
Albert Torcaso asks Congress a question if we can't afford 1 trillion dollars for health care then how can we afford 2 ? 3 trillion dollars for a war?
Albert Torcaso speaks about his cough and his cough. Kathy Payer tells us about a bill she has and found out that one of her insurances does not cover a test she needed.
The time to act for justice, fairness, and what is right is now, and we must not ever retreat in these duties. Albert Torcaso Http:// Copyright 2009 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved