? Our Civil Rights being taken away and tell you names of the laws that has taken away your rights, freedoms and privacy ? The Supreme Court expects to lose Two to Three Justices due to retirement and that we could end up with a one ideology one sided Supreme Court. Remember, this US Supreme Court allowed States to take away your property and land if the States and Cities feel that interment domain is warranted to build new buildings, or businesses ? Our constitution has been picked apart by the 109Th Congress controlled by Republicans and the 110Th Congress has passed FISA the 110Th is Controlled by the Democrats, but by only Two more votes in the US Senate, and not Filibuster Proof and as such republicans can stop passage of bills and do threatened to do so This in no way is to let the Democrats off the hook, but to explain why they have not stopped some bad laws. ? Your future and the future of all Americans and our descendants I speak about all of this. ? The Real Identification Act At one point in the video an ice cream truck arrives in the park and has its music going. Listen to see and hear how I incorporate it into the message of voting for America?s future! ? Habeas Corpus being taken away I have decided to put a link to Senator John McCain?s web page that has all of the ads and I have done this also with Senator Barack Obama. The reason is clear, one of their ads says don?t hope for a better life vote for one and this I believe is proof that the ego of this candidate is out of whack and he should not hold the office of President as he seems somewhat bizarre to think that voting for him will somehow magically change our lives and solve every problem. The title of said ad is LOVE and the comments come very close to the end. He says we should not hope. Well, I hope he does not win and become President. Yes, Senator, I have HOPE! http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Multimedia/Player.aspx?guid=d92350b2-784b-4827-80d0-325a020def70 Senator John McCain?s ads and messages. http://www.barackobama.com/tv/ Senator Barack Obama?s ads and messages. www.senate.gov The United States Senate. Go here to see how McCain and Obama voted on the MCA bill now law, the Patriot Act now Law, the Real ID act now law, and FISA also now law. When all these laws combine it becomes suppression and oppression of America?s people and a destruction of the United States Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. I implore you to look up the roll call votes of both Senators on this matter and to do your own research to be assured that what I say is true. Copyright 2008 Albert Torcaso All Rights Reserved