
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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Albert Torcaso
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Saturday, October 20, 2007

My fellow, friends, leaders, and community a friend has returned home.

My fellow producers, community, leaders, friends, and family. I must inform you that Pittsburgh, our community, and PCTV 21 have lost a friend and brother. Our family member, Greg Twyman, Greg passed away this week.

His physical presence is now gone but, his spirit, zest for life and creativity will live on forever. We, the people, who knew him and cared about him can honor his spirit by living each day with the love of life he had.

We can still create great programs and do our best to bring joy and insight to the audience as he did.

We can also remember that Greg has left us for, but a moment for even if we live another fifty to one hundred years it is, but a moment in time and a second in the afterlife.

We will be saddened that we have lost another member of our family, our community, in our lives, but we can feel happy that Greg is now without any pain or sadness and he is in paradise. Greg is a wonderful soul and that soul and spirit will remain with us forever.

So, I say to Greg, enjoy your time in paradise, brother, and when it is my time to join you in paradise we will celebrate our lives we had on earth and we will rejoice in the love and happiness we enjoyed with all the people we met, loved and interacted with.

Some people may feel it is wrong for me to tell the world of Greg’s passing to the next life, but Greg was a brother, a friend, and fellow human being

I care about and I had to express my feelings about this.

As for others who feel I am wrong all I can say is I am human and my feelings come out when a person I care about leaves us.

I will show a program Greg and I did titled What The Heck.

I will also say a few words on my next live show, Tuesday, Nov-6-2007 at 6:00 pm. And online at 6:00 pm

Please visit Humanity Matters the blog.

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

Never will I forget my friend.

My fellow producers, community, leaders, friends, and family. I must inform you that Pittsburgh, our community, and PCTV 21 have lost a friend and brother. Our family member, Greg Twyman, Greg passed away this week.

His physical presence is now gone but, his spirit, zest for life and creativity will live on forever. We, the people, who knew him and cared about him can honor his spirit by living each day with the love of life he had.

We can still create great programs and do our best to bring joy and insight to the audience as he did.

We can also remember that Greg has left us for, but a moment for even if we live another fifty to one hundred years it is, but a moment in time and a second in the afterlife.

We will be saddened that we have lost another member of our family, our community, in our lives, but we can feel happy that Greg is now without any pain or sadness and he is in paradise. Greg is a wonderful soul and that soul and spirit will remain with us forever.

So, I say to Greg, enjoy your time in paradise, brother, and when it is my time to join you in paradise we will celebrate our lives we had on earth and we will rejoice in the love and happiness we enjoyed with all the people we met, loved and interacted with.


Some people may feel it is wrong for me to tell the world of Greg’s passing to the next life, but Greg was a brother, a friend, and fellow human being

I care about and I had to express my feelings about this.

As for others who feel I am wrong all I can say is I am human and my feelings come out when a person I care about leaves us.

I will show a program Greg and I did titled What The Heck.

I will also say a few words on my next live show, Tuesday, Nov-6-2007 at 6:00 pm. And online at 6:00 pm

Please contact me about your post and I will post for you.

Albert Torcaso

Humanity Matters

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