
We will be filming a video for you to see both of the cats in need.

Precious Pumpkin and Lashona Moon.

Now, both may be very loud and upset so please understand that Cancer is extremely painful and very hard to watch a loved one suffer.

Had we more than enough funds to pay for the treatment they would be at the vets for any needed treatments.

We are asking for each person to donate a dollar.

That dollar could save their lives.

Please share with everyone you know on or offline, people you text, call, Skype, chat with on social media the world over. Our cats and we need you.

Thanks to our first hero Mr. Jeff Stoll​ he's our cats Superman!!

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The United States Of America will only truly be free when we throw off the chains of racism.
Albert Torcaso
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Saturday, December 24, 2005

How about a debate among those seeking to enter City Council - Special Election District 3

Producers and PCTV top administrators:

How about if you all -- or one of you -- schedule a debate among the candidates for the special election (date yet unknown) for Pittsburgh City Council district 3. The seat is to open at the first of the year, 2006, as Gene Ricciardi is leaving his post to be a DJ. So, a special election will be called. It might be as soon as mid-Feb, but as late at mid-March.

This special election does not give a lot of lead time.

Plus, I'm a candidate (Mark Rauterkus), as is Bruce Krane -- and he is IN the race too. So, this might be a show he'd do, as well, but we're both going to be in the hot seat, not the producers seat.

So, it looks like we need someone to step up and do a show -- or two -- on this election. Are there any takers out there? If so, I'd be happy to give you the insights. Call 412 298 3432 or email me: Mark -at-

Monday, December 12, 2005

for the Producers Blog

Hi Fellow do-it-yourself media makers,

PCTV is a vital part of our community. I want to make it more and more important to the overall landscape of our community. And, I'm now engaged in a city council race -- so -- after I'm elected I can do something about our shared goals and dreams.

In an ideal way -- I'd like to hear about how PCTV could be -- should be -- and would be if there was more support for those efforts from City Council.

Sky is the limit.

And, I've got a stub of a wiki page devoted to this type of discussion at my site.

Let me know how to proceed -- just by posting it there yourself.


Mark Rauterkus    
412 298 3432 = cell

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A brand new series is coming to PCTV!!

I have a new series starting in January called Brian T World. It's my new variety hour featuring my independent films and a variety of other entertainment. The show will be airing Mondays at 10PM.

Please post about your shows without you there is no Pittsburgh Producers Blog.

Post by e-mail.

Albert Torcaso
Humanity Matters

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